Senior Copywriter
Bus Lane Enforcement

New York City Transit | OOH

Bus Lane Enforcement

Bus Lane Enforcement

Where do you put ads aimed at drivers when the only space you have to work with is media owned by the MTA?

 The answer seems obvious, but at the time, ads on the back of buses weren't common. Especially those used to provide Select Bus Service.

The answer seems obvious, but at the time, ads on the back of buses weren't common. Especially those used to provide Select Bus Service.

 Placing the ads here added another ad revenue source for the MTA and provided the perfect canvas for delivering our message to drivers.  When I interviewed at the MTA, one of the interviewers told me that I write like I grew up in New York. (I didn'

Placing the ads here added another ad revenue source for the MTA and provided the perfect canvas for delivering our message to drivers.

When I interviewed at the MTA, one of the interviewers told me that I write like I grew up in New York. (I didn't.)

Of everything I worked on during my time at NYCT, this campaign felt the most "New York" to me.
